Lionhearted, the Battle Druid, patiently awaits his friends and allies to do the killing for him. After all, isn't that
the life of a Battle Druid?
That's right friends, my name is Lionhearted. Sure, you're looking at the site "Dewery," I know it doesn't make sense.
I bonked him in the head the other day for making ME introduce MYSELF! He isn't computer literate. He's a ranger. With wisdom
below 150, it's hard to blame him. But, he's a tough cookie at least (well, for an elf who prances, anyway).
Lionhearted is a 62 druid who lives in Kelethin, in Norrath of Everquest. Dewery is his little brother, a 47 ranger.
They both are both proud members of "The Keepers of the Glade," one of the eldest guilds on the Tholuxe Paells server. I am
the Kelethin Representative to the Council (in other words, I'm an officer ... eheh, I just think that sounds better :P).